Ghoster Heights Colouring Pages – Graphic Novel Giveaway
We’re giving away 3 copies of Ghoster Heights. To enter, download these Ghoster Height Colouring pages and follow the instructions below the images. GHOSTER HEIGHTS-COLORING PG3 GHOSTER HEIGHTS-COLORING PG2 GHOSTER HEIGHTS-COLORING PG1 To be entered into the giveaway, you just need to do the following: Download a copy of the colouring pages found in the […]

Illustration Focus – It’s Who We Are
Back in 2010, Kelly and I sat down and over the course of multiple lunches we made the bold proclamation that we wanted to create a studio that allowed us to focus on illustrative work. Well that’s exactly what we set out to do and also what came to be. Looking at our early portfolio, […]

8 Things You Should Know About Pulp Studios Inc.
1. Pulp Studios Inc. creates more than award winning illustrations. Pulp Studios Inc. offers a wide range of services in print and digital visual communications including but not limited to: visual identity design and branding educational and training resource design interactive design casual online game design and gamification of content on websites mobile UI design […]

Pulp Studios Inc. in Windows 8 Ads
You may have noticed recently that a little company called Microsoft has been showing up in many places. TV ads, the store shelves, smart phones ads etc.. Perhaps in the context of these advertisements you’ve spotted some beautiful art adorning certain aspects of the new Windows 8 interface. Those of you who are not familiar […]

Pulp Studios Inc. – A Short Retrospective
Pulp Studios Inc. has gone through some pretty mighty growth spurts in it’s short 2 and a half year lifespan. At least 2 shoe sizes in total, from baby shoes to size 12 (kids size – you parents have a frame of reference for that – the rest of you… have some babies…or go and […]
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