Pirates Love Daisies – The Characters!
As part of the launch celebration of Pirates Love Daisies, we’d like to share some of the concept art for the game. After the concept was bounced around, gskinner.com decided on the hilarious daisy loving pirates theme. We were sent into our art cave to start bringing it to life, while they worked on the code and the […]

Pirates ♥ Daisies
We can finally share one of the most exciting projects we’ve had the privilege of working on. Pirates ♥ Daisies is a humorous, engaging tower defence game that uses cutting edge programming and pretty awesome graphics ( if we say so ourselves ;-)) The concept is as simple as it is whimsical, pirates love daisies and […]

Pulp Speaks!
We are extremely honoured to be a guest panelist at FITC Edmonton 2010. We’ve long admired the speakers and panelists that FITC brings in and are so fortunate to be sitting on a panel next to industry greats such as Ken Bautista, Owen Brierley, Jason Theodor, and Jeremy Thorp. Not to mention speaking at the same event as world […]

Muskwa Comic Sneak Peak!
*gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasp* *breathes in* *turns around, looks at blog reader* Oh hello there dear reader. Pulp Studios here (well the shorter/much sillier part anyway) just coming up for air to give you a peek at what we are working on now. We’re on the tail end of an amazing project that helps to teach youth about natural law. It’s […]
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