Illustration Focus – It’s Who We Are
Back in 2010, Kelly and I sat down and over the course of multiple lunches we made the bold proclamation that we wanted to create a studio that allowed us to focus on illustrative work. Well that’s exactly what we set out to do and also what came to be. Looking at our early portfolio, […]

Autumn Man Illustration Process
As a commercial artist, designer, illustrator and business owner, I relish the opportunity to collaborate and create wonderful things for clients and partners that meet their needs. That said, there is a unique and terrifying satisfaction in creating work that’s 100% your vision from start to finish. In this case, my personal vision also served […]

Pulp Studio Interviewed by Applied Arts
It’s a very exciting day in Pulp Studios office! About a month back we were interviewed by Applied Arts for a profile article for their online presence. Tim Alamenciak (tim-a.com, Tim on Twitter), a freelance writer with Applied Arts, has done a wonderful job distilling our chat into a smart, succinct, and well representing article. Please take some […]

Pulp Studios In Print!
Pulp Studios is in print in a beautiful, Canadian, Art and Design Publication! A few days ago we received our two free copies of the 2010 Applied Arts Photography and Illustration Annual. If you haven’t seen the newly redesigned Applied Arts Magazine, you MUST pick up a copy. Georges Haroutiun, Art Director and Founder, with his […]

Pulp Studios for the Win!
Last month we submitted our self-promotional piece, Victory March, to the 2010 Applied Arts Photography & Illustration Annual Competition and won! The piece, painted by Corey, will be featured in the June/July Annual and at the Annual Exhibition. It’s a great honor and we are so excited about being recognized in a national competition. You can […]
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