Pulp Studios Inc. Appears in 3×3 Magazine’s 2012 Directory of Illustration!
Pulp Studios is in the 3×3 2012 Illustration Directory. The directory is curated, and artists are included by invite only, so we’re exceptionally proud to be included with our peers. Take a peek online in their gallery. We’re listed under Kelly Mellings and Corey Lansdell. Here’s some lovely shots of the printed directory(by our favourite […]

It seems as though our feet have left the ground. Since the inception of Pulp Studios in March of 2010, we have been privileged to work on several awesome projects. As a result of an over abundance of a caffeinated beverage I bring you this short update on what Pulp Studios is up to these […]

Pulp Studios In Print!
Pulp Studios is in print in a beautiful, Canadian, Art and Design Publication! A few days ago we received our two free copies of the 2010 Applied Arts Photography and Illustration Annual. If you haven’t seen the newly redesigned Applied Arts Magazine, you MUST pick up a copy. Georges Haroutiun, Art Director and Founder, with his […]

Muskwa Comic Sneak Peak!
*gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasp* *breathes in* *turns around, looks at blog reader* Oh hello there dear reader. Pulp Studios here (well the shorter/much sillier part anyway) just coming up for air to give you a peek at what we are working on now. We’re on the tail end of an amazing project that helps to teach youth about natural law. It’s […]

Pulp Studios for the Win!
Last month we submitted our self-promotional piece, Victory March, to the 2010 Applied Arts Photography & Illustration Annual Competition and won! The piece, painted by Corey, will be featured in the June/July Annual and at the Annual Exhibition. It’s a great honor and we are so excited about being recognized in a national competition. You can […]
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