Illustration Focus – It’s Who We Are
Back in 2010, Kelly and I sat down and over the course of multiple lunches we made the bold proclamation that we wanted to create a studio that allowed us to focus on illustrative work. Well that’s exactly what we set out to do and also what came to be. Looking at our early portfolio, […]

Pulp Speaks!
We are extremely honoured to be a guest panelist at FITC Edmonton 2010. We’ve long admired the speakers and panelists that FITC brings in and are so fortunate to be sitting on a panel next to industry greats such as Ken Bautista, Owen Brierley, Jason Theodor, and Jeremy Thorp. Not to mention speaking at the same event as world […]

Pulp Studios for the Win!
Last month we submitted our self-promotional piece, Victory March, to the 2010 Applied Arts Photography & Illustration Annual Competition and won! The piece, painted by Corey, will be featured in the June/July Annual and at the Annual Exhibition. It’s a great honor and we are so excited about being recognized in a national competition. You can […]

Pulp Studios to create comic for Native Counselling Services of Alberta
Pulp Studios is teaming up with Native Counselling Services to create another excellent comic book in January and February. The comic will be a full length book geared toward educating readers about the importance of respecting nature and how those values can be applied to all areas of life. The comic will be produced in […]
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