Muskwa Comic Sneak Peak!
*breathes in*
*turns around, looks at blog reader*
Oh hello there dear reader.
Pulp Studios here (well the shorter/much sillier part anyway) just coming up for air to give you a peek at what we are working on now.
We’re on the tail end of an amazing project that helps to teach youth about natural law. It’s another comic book, and another initiative of the oh so amazing BearPaw Legal Education & Resource Centre. It’s a pleasure to work with a client that’s as invested as we are in creating meaningful, thoughtful work. Not to mention how great it is to work with people who realize the value and potential of sequential art!
They’ve put a great deal of trust in us to make this awesome and we’re burning the midnight oil to make sure we create something special for them and their end users…something that when people pick up, they want to keep and keep looking back at.
It’s also been a great excuse for Pulp studios to invest in better/stronger cappuccino making technology/techniques!
We’re in the process of finishing pencils and inks, and starting colours and letters to follow.
Corey just finished the last lick of virtual paint on a panel from the comic for a promo piece and ga ga ga goink( this is the expression that young people use for wow these days…no?)! We hope you dig it as much as we do!
Greg Miller told us what to draw (writer), Kelly drew it ( pencils), Christy deciphered what Kelly drew and made it prettier (inks), and Corey obviously needs help because of all the time he spent painting it up (colours).
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